Friday, April 25, 2014

Should I Become A Stripper? #seriousquestion #igiveup #future #scandal #gameofthrones

Seriously, I have thought of all the pros and cons of becoming a stripper. It makes sense... Aren't I a college student... Isn't that WHY we have strippers! So then, shouldn't I become one. I've checked. It's not as simple as it seem and I'm way to beautiful to be glued to a pole. Let me rephrase that.. I'm way to intelligent to be stuck to a pole. Let me rephrase that one more time... I'm way to BLESSED to be bound to a pole. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with how a person makes a living, and it took me a while to understand this, but it is the truth. Whether you work at:
1. McDonalds
2. Construction
3. The hospital
4. WalMart
5. Or mow lawns
THAT IS YOUR JOB! That is what you do! That is your Grind! No one can judge or tell you that it's nothing because it is something, it's yours! So do it!And do it well. I have been going through hell since I moved from California, but my facade is like steel and I keep a positive outlook to receive some optimism in turn. Monetary, physical and emotional burdens surround me... But I don't give up. Because in the end I have Faith and Hope to hold onto. They are two powerful sentiments that keep me trucking and I know my time is coming. I may give up but I never give in! And this right here is to tell you. Grind On! Work Hard! Pray Hard! And do you! Your time is coming, God will take the lowest of people and put them above millions with the flick of a hand. He loves and only wants the best. But he just like any job, he has to know that you want it as bad as he wants it for you! So work.
In the words of mi abuela: 
"It won't always be this way, trust me. 
It's about to be better than you could imagine." -Starline
And I want y'all to know. I'm always there for any of you. If you need a hand, a thought or just someone to yell at. Message me, call me, snapchat me, tweet me! I will listen, I won't judge, I care for everyone of you. I love you. Don't ever think otherwise.

P.S. Scandal is just great I mean Olivia is being put through the fire. Her dad is definetely showing that he deserves to be Command. Game of Thrones! BAHAHAHAHAH Joffrey died. I'm sorry but it wouldn't be funny if it wasn't fake or if he wasn't a total douchebag! But I'm excited to see what Sansa ends up doing. RunPrayCreate!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I have a disease... :( #affected #nocure #healme

I'm sorry to inform you guys but I have a disease. And it's deadly. I think it's about time that I told someone. Who better to tell than you guys who support my blog, my family and friends. It's highly contagious and incurable.
Disease: a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts
 that impairs normal functioning and is typically
 manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms. (Merriam-Webster)

I'm afflicted by motivation. It just might be the end of me. I have so much that I want to do, see and be. It's sickening and actually gives me symptoms such as headaches, random spurts of energy and anger. I sometimes spend days trying to figure out how to fight it. Such motivation cannot be good for one person. Is it bad that I want to make a difference in every life that I come across? Is it sad that I get upset with myself when I don't achieve the simplest thing such as finishing homework on time? (Although it's because I know if my hw is on time, than my grades will be on point, then my degree will be on point which means my success and future is on point) If you don't know what I mean by on point.... 
Think about the last time you worked hard at work or school and received that A or that huge paycheck that left excess in your wallet. That's on POINT! So will my disease consume me physically and soon mentally??? I THINK SO! But I'm gonna let this disease take over and I'm gonna spread it to everyone else. I need to thrive, to win, to change, to live and make a difference. What is my life if I leave nothing to help others? 

 "The will to win, the desire to succeed,
the urge to reach your full potential...
these are the keys that will unlock 
the door to excellence."

I missed you all! My Non Profit Organization is still underway guys, I'm still in the heart of my book that I'm writing and this week I will began volunteering as a mentor for at Risk Youth. I'm at my goal weight and have gained inches on my legs and arms due to my intense cardio and weighlifting. Praise! I have work guys and that's why I've been GHOST haha. But I'm still beautiful and creative! ;) I love you guys and I'll post again soon! RunPrayCreate!