Psh where does this leave us men? Women feel like we use and abuse them, yes I agree there are some womanizers out there, but there are also some maneaters that are starving and longing to rip some good men apart. And I'm not being bias, I'm being truthful! What makes you women feel like it's okay to go for the guy with money but not the humble guy with a plan? Of course if guys thought with the correct head then they would probably figure it out but women shouldn't take advantage of the slights of men! Hahaha (Like that'll ever happen) Do women want love or security? Both? GET REAL! Ha I'm joking, of course it's possible but neither sex is patient enough to wait for their match or wants to experience the dissappointment if their match just so happens to be a fixer upper. But the best thing about a fixer upper is once you fix it up and it's near perfection, it's all thanks to you. It's forever yours! I'd rather have a girl that loves me to death but is recovering from a dark past, rather then a girl who likes me, spends my money, and occasionally steps out but other than that is the ideal girl. I'll pass!
Okay! I have a new POLL on my page checkout and vote on what is the most attractive about a man!
Love you guys and talk to you later! Pray for me. RunPrayCreate!
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