Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Before you leave me... #alittleditty #thenextstep #love #lonelybutnotalone

"Rick woke up again only to see that he was alone in his bed. He threw his head backwards into his pillow as hard as he could and almost simultaneously a tear rolled down the side of his face and into his ear. He had this feeling of pain and anger that mixed together to this unappealing emotion that he couldn't figure out in his head. Yes he knew he was attractive and charming but why is one side of his bed always cold in the morning but not at night. Rick slowly sat up and threw his legs off the side of the bed. His dog Lola ran up and laid down in front of him and he brushed his feet along her fur as he stared aimlessly out his window. The view he had looked over Central Park. He should be happy. He shouldn't feel lonely because he isn't always alone. She was number 3 this week. He made her laugh. They planned their next date. She left before he woke up; no number, no note, no trace." 

We often forget about other peoples feelings. We think that what is important or not important to us doesn't affect others but it does. We need to remember to put others feelings in the equation before we make selfish decisions. Our selfless acts reaps benefits that we cannot even fathom. Set aside our vanity and own preconceived notions and step out on faith in love, life and anything that matters to us. Don't write someone or something off because it's not in your perfect vision but also don't settle for something that doesn't reap positive benefits for you or will make you a better person in life.

All women are beautiful and they are often taken advantage of nowadays but men fall prey to the vanity of others also.
Guard Your Hearts, Because Everything That You Do Flows From It!

A little short story that I've began, If you like it, let me know. It's symbolic and only gets more powerful. Sorry I've been gone so long from the blog. Guess what? I done graduated! Now I'm all kinds of smarts! HAHAHA yeah right! And I'm transitioning on my preparation for my next step! Yes California is my go to home but now with all these possibilities, I've applied to jobs in London, NYC, Seattle and even Boston! Pray for me! And if you don't pray, wish me luck! I want to change the world, I don't know how but I know that I must start with myself! RunPrayCreate!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Lost Love.... #RIP #family #crackedbutnotbroken

Our hearts are only as open as we allow them to be. I am a person that does not let my heart become to warm in fear that it will be able to become penetrated and ruined from the inside out. I feel that I'm taking control and indeed I end up losing control emotionally. We as humans are supposed to share feelings and love friends and family. Family is priceless gift from God that I have never understood and perhaps I never will. Experiences have created this misconception in my heart. I'm writing this because I am sad. Which is strange because the love that I lost I never took the time to fully appreciate. I can not fathom the heartache that his close loved ones are feeling. I am withdrawn with remorse and as I write this my eyes water and my chest aches.

We must all love ferociously those in our lives
 and check in on them. 
Life is precious. 
People are priceless. 

I love you Reggie and you are a fierce soldier that God no longer needed on earth to fight his battles.

I will see you soon.

Lost Love,


Sunday, August 30, 2015

But Before You Judge Me.... #Notakebacks #Empire #sowhat #imfeelinmyself

I'm Guilty!!! PHEW I'm glad to get that off of my chest! I lie to often to make myself seem better even though I feel guilty immediately after, it doesn't negate the lie! I have hidden agendas that are too dark to even say and although I don't make them known that doesn't make them any less immoral or selfish. I bet you all find that part more interesting than if I told you that I spend majority of my day trying to change someone that I don't even know life or that every single day someone tells me about a problem that I have no idea how to fix but I lie to try to make them feel less pressure and more loved. I always put myself down but now it's time to step back and build myself up!

I AM FEARFULLY MADE. Not only to be a loving and strong man but to give all of myself to others. And no that's not sexual. PERV! Haha That's emotional and spiritual and powerful! #notthepervpart I have cried because I didn't know how I could make someone's life easier. I give a lot. (Of course I take, but I believe that I appreciate what I receive) This is about me and what I must say I love the most about myself is my ability to understand most people's point of view; from the conservative upper class housewife who drives a Bentley to the illegal single Peruvian mother with 2 kids working as a maid to feed her children.

BUILD YOURSELF UP TODAY! Even if you know you're selfish and you could care less about everyone else and their problems. There are some amazing things about you that everyone needs to know. We are supposed to be humble but we must remember to give credit where it's due. And if it's due to you... Pay UP! I have one question:
Who's there to save the hero?

Well I have to go workout now... Don't want to be fat. Not that there's anything wrong with being fat, unless it interferes with your health.... yeah my bad. By the way EMPIRE is the greatest show, go watch it and be inspired. Someone told me that I was Cookie BAHAHAHAHA I'm not that ghetto. Also don't forget to follow BeUnleashed Inc on Instagram and Twitter. We will follow you back!

I love you! Yeah You! RunPrayCreate!

Friday, July 17, 2015

I'm leaving the church and joining El Chapo! #dontbelievemejustwatch

WHOA! Relax, I'm joking! BUT look at it this way; The church is supposed to be a community that flourishes, teaches and lives for Christ. A community sticks together and helps one another. But is that really what church looks like nowadays? Have we as a community invested in each other spiritually, mentally, emotionally and financially? Will we do ANYTHING for our fellow brothers and sisters? From what I've seen, all those answers would be NO.

Now before you judge me, go read about El Chapo. His "brothers and sisters" literally patiently took 20 something odd years to try and get him back to them, yet we complain about picking a friend up who might not have a car. El Chapo is basically a MAN who is worshiped as a god and followed and feared. We think that we worship, follow and fear God, but do we really? Would we spend almost three decades committing our lives to him? I'm feeling a lot of no's. Now a know that El Chapo may have ordered some threats and deaths upon people who got tired of helping him or maybe even turned against him. That should encourage us even more to invest our lives in God! HE DOESN'T have us murdered because of our lack of loyalty. He loves us so much that even when we break his heart and fall short of his expectations, he still waits for us to find our way back. Why can't we be this way for one another? Humanity is being humane: Are we kind to people?

I want to be with a community that 
follows their hearts entirely and commits to 
being faithful to something greater than themselves, 
I want to wake up and know that I could go to a group of individuals 
who have similar ambition and motives as I do. 
It's not the cartel, is it the church? Is it God's people? Is it family? 

Give me one group that loves me the way Jesus loves and I swear I won't help El Chapo! Hahaha

Sorry it's been a while guys! I've been busy trying to make a difference! I love you all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I'm Living With The Devil #lucifer #maninthemirror #beunleashed

What if every single person that you love, right now just disappeared from your life. Would you have any regrets? Why? Shouldn't we treat everyone as precious as they are? Yeah? So then let's FREAKING DO IT! I've had the pleasure to meet amazing CEO's of different Nonprofits and CEO's of schools and businesses and they honestly speak about the people that mean the most to them. These are people putting in 60 hours a week. What's your excuse? Oh you have too many classes? You have work? SUCK IT UP! Love the people who bring happiness to your life.

I know it's been a while since I wrote about anything but I have been completely enthralled in my NPO. #BeunleashedInc That means Nonprofit Organization! 
YES, I've finally made the leap. It assists under resourced young adults and also aspiring artists. 
It's me in a nutshell.
 I will keep you all posted and start a whole social media blow up soon!
 "Don't believe me just watch!" When we have talents or gifts, they are not meant to be hidden or hoarded.
 We must use what we are given to change our life and the lives around us in a positive way. 
Who are we to deny other people from something divine and unique that we have been given? 
I have an app for this blog on my phone so hopefully I'll start posting more.

Some weird things have happened in my life, I've been an auto accident, questioned by detectives and now I'm at a very blessed point in my life so these huge events in our life always happen for a reason. I have a new vehicle now, it's older but it gets me where I need to go and has all the amenities that I need to survive. One thing has been bothering me though..... "LOYALTY". What happened to this quality? Family and friends use to try to move mountains to help someone that they care about, now people have become so self absorbed it's always me, me, me or I, I, I. If you have something extra, help someone who doesn't. I feel like I'm living around a bunch of devils instead of saints. Change. I'm not perfect but I try my hardest to not be selfish.

As I leave work, where I am writing this, I'm going to my apartment to eat, watch The Vampire Diaries and sleep. Work is at 4 AM. AGAIN! I love you all! RunPrayLove!

Friday, February 13, 2015

We All Need To Be Loved ;D #valentinesday #dontberude #Scandalisback

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! If you're single, don't kill the vibe of those of us who are in happy committed relationships and looking forward to enjoying our day with the person or people we love. #monogamy And yes I, Keith Myers Jr. am in a relationship. I have always been in one, I just don't act all ratchet in public with my lover. We spend all our time together, they feed me, make money for me and I know for a fact that we will die together. His name is also Keith Myers Jr. HAHAHAHA Ain't no shame in my game! Who loves me more than I do that are of this world? Me. I love me more than I do... If that makes sense. Naw it doesn't. But anyhow I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to get back in the groove. I really should try to do this once a week. Thanks guys for being faithful readers! I have a lot that I need to release!!!! First off, why are people so incoherently selfish. I mean do they not realize that there are other people in this world that also have needs that need to be met. If I'm kind enough to do you a kindness, at least you can do is say thank you. Or reciprocate, what goes around comes around right? So why must people not understand that kindness is a gift but gifts are meant to be appreciated. Let's stop thinking about everything that ails us and actually think about someone else. Here's a quick story:
So if you know me, you know that I have a very wide variety 
of friends that I surround myself with. (Not in a sociopathic way... I hope)
So lately I was discussing finances with my Abuela, and we both 
noticed that now that I got my shopping under control, I have this urge and 
KINDNESS to always pay for friends when we are out. We assessed the problem and realized I would save hundreds of dollars A FREAKIN MONTH if I 
stopped doing that! I know right!?!?! It's insane. And the part that got to me 
most though is when I would catch myself paying for someone, 
they would decline once and then just give in (so much effort right) and enjoy what 
I graciously gave them. I always persistently decline.
 Yet I have one friend who I know for a fact will 
buy me anything I need or want without a second guess. And I love him unconditionally.
So as of now, I will pay only for me. Unless Bella is there or I'm at an investor meeting. Speaking of investors..... MY NPO! Pray for me everyone that I know that believes in that higher power. I need serenity, ambition and dinero! Haha no joke though. Pray. I know I'm all over the place but some things take precedence. Oh little side-note, I had two friends do inappropriate things in the backseat of my vehicles and I had to summon the patience and understanding to not slam on breaks and send them both out of the window. It was gross aaaannnnnddd disrespectful. But that's none of my business... 

I am full of love. I can love like you've never seen. If you give me the reason to love you that way. And it doesn't have to be in the way of a lover. It can be a friendly love. I try not to find fault in people without getting to know them. I'll cross the world to save a friend, empty the savings, fight a bear or even punch Justin Bieber in the face for someone I love. When you think that you have no one and I show up at your doorstep, that's MY KIND OF LOVE. And for me Valentine's Day is a day to declare love for someone who stands by you, believes in you and loves you without pause. And that person has been me thus far. It's not a pity party, it is a self praise party!  That's my message.

Now to my fellow Netflixers. I'm going through Dexter and it is intense and enthralling. Rita died and a piece of me did also. Scandal is back on TV now and it is better than before. I actually want Mellie to come out on top. She deserves it. Revenge is a show that not many people I know watch, but it has me biting my nails with every passing scene. The gayest thing about me is that I love GLEE! I'm a Gleek and I don't care who knows! And this last season breaks my heart but Glee has ran its course.
On another note I love all of you who are reading this and even those who aren't. You have my heart. Don't drop it. If you do it's probably one of my clone ones anyhow haha.
Now go make a difference and LOVE! <3 RunPrayCreate!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blame It On the Night. Don't Blame it on Me! #maturity #love #gatlinburg #happynewyear #whitecollar

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."

-Leo Tolstoy

I love to write. I write when I can't think, when I don't want to talk and even when I want to understand. Anyhow, I needed to write something for the New Year and my dearest old 'mom' inspired me. Or rather ignited an urge of passion. Which sucks, I wish I had more reasons to express myself. Which gets me to the point. I don't. I don't wake up and say what I want or yell when I'm upset. Most of us level headed people don't. But I was not always this aware of my actions and flaws. Which I believe makes a person more susceptible to change and growth. Maturity... I honestly lack if I allow the facade to fall. Which happens in passionate moments and altered state of minds. *cough* alcohol *cough*. Most of my life I was completely ungrateful, mild-mannered, egotistical, stubborn, selfish and vicious. (And I never had friends because of these faults, until a boy named Frankie was a little worse than I was. I didn't understand his thought process so I just observed and saw that he wasn't liked, but tolerated. And I didn't want that to be me.) 
God is working on my heart and mind and it doesn't happen overnight. Every day, every hour, every year I grow! I mature. I learn. I lose. I fail. I love. It all is masked beneath a pleasant, church going, hardworking and respectable student. That is hard. THIS IS HARD. But it works. I have an abundance of friends who I cherish and I meet new people everyday who I beam with excitement to get to know. This is the only time I express myself to someone, the Internet and my viewers. So it may not be right and it may sound childish, selfish and ignorant but when I have a lapse of judgement in a situation it doesn't bother me as much as people feel it should. (And it may never make sense to some people, and that's okay. We can't help or change everyone.) I'm an awful person in so many ways, I understand. But aren't we all a little screwed up or is that just on Keith street? Let this little kettle slow down I suppose before a pot gets upset! I will not say a new year, new me. But I will say New Year, more aware me. I have no regrets about any part of my past, at all. Change will come when God sees fit to throw me on the path. But for now... I'll talk to everyone, watch a lot of Netflix, work hard to make a difference in myself and my surroundings and talk a lot of junk. (I've been punched in the face plenty of times to know how it feels) haha #olderbrothers #drunkenguysatbars

But I do honestly respect opinions and I understand them, but that doesn't mean that I agree. So HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I LOVE YOU ALL! Don't drink too much! Teehee and My NPO is still crawling so be patient guys! I have 7 classes this Spring, 2 jobs and a baby Bella who wants all my attention so everything takes time to be formed close to perfection! And a little more time with my schedule! OH YEAH I'm fat now so I will be back on the 25 mile a week and 5 days in the gym! White collar has ended and so has a piece of my heart! 
